Commercial EV Conversion & Integration

To reduce dependence on carbon based fuels, commercial vehicles would be a viable option to be converted from diesel powered to electric powered. EMSB has the know how in converting & integrating public transport vehicles like city buses and commercial transport like box vans used for delivery of parcels.

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Conversion of commercial vehicles used for Public Transportation like  buses to electric powered is one of the available options in reducing our dependence on carbon based fuels.

On the economic perspective, it has been widely reported that the EV market in the ASEAN region would be one of the largest growth segments for the next decade. For example, the market need for EV Buses is projected to be 10,000 units by 2030. 

Hence, our approach at EMSB to making this a reality is through conversions that are modular in design with interoperability capabilities. This approach could then be customized to any public transportation vehicle’s make and be replicated across the vehicle chassis platform from 9m to 10m, or 12m chassis configuration.

This approach could also be replicated on smaller or special purpose vehicles (SPV’s)

Modular Design

EMSB Modular Design is an approach that can be customized to serve in a variety of ways, taking on different forms like a mini bus, transit bus, an articulated bus or any other commercial or service vehicles that can be used for diverse purposes for communities and local needs.

By leveraging on developing a modular system approach EMSB development is adaptive to other any other type of vehicle chassis with only minor modification. The modular concept and adaptive manufacturing processes will contribute to lower development costs and components variation.

In a normal conversion one of the main components for any Electric Vehicle would be  the battery packs used for electrical storage to power the electric motor.  How this packs are configured on the vehicle packaging design stage would determine its ability to meet its intended purpose in terms of performance, reliability and maintenance.

EMSB Modular Design approach will also assist in the maintenance of these vehicles. The maintenance and serviceability will be much simpler as EMSB modular approach in design would give service engineers and technicians easy access to critical EV components for example Motor Controllers, DCDC Converters, High Voltage Fuse Box and OBC for periodical maintenance or replacements. At the same time, it will assist them to carry out maintenance on non EV components like Air Bellow Systems without the hassle of removing other components for access hence, aiding in minimizing the down time needed for maintenance.    

Interoperability Capabilities

The modular commercial electric vehicle developed by EMSB would generally have the following modules and components:

Due to the numerous modules and components that needs integration, EMSB have selected modules that have interoperability capabilities on top of the modular design.  

Interoperability allows seamless communicationg and intergration since all major suppliers of EV modules uses industrial standard (J13969) for communication. On top of this EMSB uses ITxPT set principles and enables an open architecture, data accessibility and interoperability between systems. As a member of ITxPT, EMSB develops architecture based on standards and best practices determined by the association ITxPT.

Further to this EMSB uses ISO26262 principles for added safety regulatory with relevant local type requirements for all developments.  

Advantages of EMSB Modular Design & Interoperability

EMSB offers complete solution for commercial vehicle electrification with affordable financial outlay.

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